
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Marni for H&M

Winter edition
As you might already know Marni is doing a collection for H&M out in March next year. It's pretty exciting as I love their prints. This dress is just the kind of thing I would buy even if I was looking for a pair of trousers. What I mean is I always need a dress like this, really. 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Pet in purse

Weekend is almost over again but in this picture it just started so we're still smiling.
Sweater/H&M, Tights/Lindex, Shirt/Vintage
 Standing on chairs is stupid
Pretending to have a drink in your hand is also stupid. So am I stupid? (Please don't answer this question not sure I need to know)
Linda  squeezing in to the picture and her pet in to her purse.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

You have a skull

Still working on making things. Working so much on it I don't really have time to make anything. Made these skull earrings though. Everyone needs a skull. In fact we all have one so now I'm not sure why I feel I need more of them. Time to go to bed...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

P'andiciel continued

Let's continue with the weekend. Drinking wine is a requirement for a good show. We didn't have a problem with that.
Getting dressed was a bigger problem
On the way to the National Theater. This is not the theater but the church.

Speaking about the church, it's always good to know where to find the emergency exit just in case.

The National Theater hanging out. I was a bit sad here since it was really cold and they served hot wine. I don't like hot wine. Drinking cold rose didn't warm me up at all. In fact I had a near freeze to death experience. 
Note Arnold flexing his muscles in the background.

We all survived and  warmed up our frozen Panda souls with some "folk dancing" In rare occasions the camera battery dies in just the right moment. This was one of them.

Mad Style or Bad Style. Likvidácia

Could you resist these black and white boots? On 70% sale? I'm not sure.
That's why I need to ask you the question
Mad Style or Bad Style?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Weekend adventure

We went to Slovakia to share some Panda love. A man on the bus there told us there's on street in Kosice and everything is on it. He was sort of right but still we needed to check the map.

The street had a panda and a big church
 I was a theater, and I can tell you it's not easy being a moving building. Promise to post more pictures later today when I have time.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Panda conquers Kosice

Now you might think I've been going through trash again. Looks deceive. This is the home of the Panda props and I spent last night there helping getting costumes ready for tomorrow. We're going to Kassa/Kosice in Slovakia to do a performance at theater festival. It will be nuts especially since I have to present the costumes in Slovakian and I don't speak a word of it. But who does? If you want to  know more about  Panda have look at their website
An almost finished ass. (on the left)
No real flasher without a butterfly collection in your coat

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Periodic shirt

In my life I have periods when I like shirts and blouses and then there are times when I just feel really awkward wearing them. Despite the look on my face now seem to be the period when I like them.
If you also have a life you might have the same thoughts about shirts, but at least now you know you're not alone.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Mad Style or Bad Style. Fluffy underpants

No need to freeze your balls of this winter! With these fluffy underpants they will be all warm and soft. The only downside is your ass might get a bit cold.            

What do You think, is this
Mad Style or Bad Style?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Goose warning!

So it's "goose day" today or Márton nap as they call it in Hungarian or Mårten gås in Swedish. Since I like goose it was a pleasant surprise finding one on the street. People were already trying to catch that goose but they were all horrified by their own reflection.


It didn't scare me, but after seeing the warning triangle I wasn't so sure this was the goose I was looking for. In the end my lunch was a chicken sandwich.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ribbon and chain

Been thinking about making some jewelry for a while. The problem is I think too much. That's why I'm proud of myself I actually made these earrings tonight. Actually I should say earring since only one is done, who knows when they will actually be a pair. Will think about it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sequins are a girl's best friend

Sequins gives you that special spark in the dark fall. Wear them during the day as well with something casual and I promise it feels almost like a party even if you're at work. I wish.
Pulis love them too

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Hair again

New hair color
I don't really like this picture, but thought I show you anyway. 
Off to a swap party now. Will tell you more tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed there's nothing I want there and I can leave empty handed. Not often you would here me say that.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Nude leather or gold?

Some nude leather inspiration for the season

Jacket/ Zara
A gold leather jacket might be more my style though...and it won't rot after a couple of days.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Suspicious minds

Check jacket/ Vintage. Other stuff/ Also old.
Looking suspicious is one of my talents. Someone else might be good at their job or at maths. We're all different and I'm happy about that. It would make me paranoid if everyone walked around looking suspicious.